This school was organized in cooperation with
Pereslavl State University and will take
place in Pereslavl-Zalessky in January 26 - February 5, 1999.
There was two sets of courses: one for beginners and another for
advanced participants (presumably members of the previous school).
The next short courses was offered for the beginners:
- Differential calculus in commutative rings, part I.
- Analysis on manifolds, part I.
For the advanced
participants the following courses was offered:
- Prof. J. Krasil'shchik:
Geometry of differential equations,
- Prof. A. Vinogradov: First order differential calculus on
manyfolds and cohomological theory of integral,
- A. Verbovetsky: Introduction to homological algebra.
here for school pictures and
here for the list of participants.
Questions and suggestions should go to
Jet Nestruev, jet @