Date of birth: February 10, 1948.
E.mail: josephk @ diffiety.ac.ru

1966 - 1971: A student of the Moscow State University, Mechanical & Mathematical Faculty.
1972 - 1980: Researcher at the All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technology Information (USSR Academy of Sciences).
1981 - 1989: Senior researcher at the same Institute.
1989 - 1992: Senior lecturer at the Moscow Institute for Municipal Economy and Civil Engineering.
1992 - 1999: Associate professor at the same Institute.
1999 - 2003: Full professor at the same Institute.
2004 - 2007: Full professor at the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.
1997 up to now: Full professor at the Independent University of Moscow
2007 up to now: Full professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities
1991 - 1993: Scientific deputy director of the Moscow Sophus Lie Center.
1978: Ph.D. degree in Information Science.
1997: Doctor of Science degree in Mathematics.

Current research: algebraic models and cohomological methods in PDE, nonlocal structures, Poisson-Nijenhuis and Hamiltonian structures in PDE

Publications in Diffeotopy include: