Current Geometry 2003
Invited speakers
- E. Arbarello (Rome),
- A. Bogomolov
- M. Berger (Paris),
- F. Catanese (Bayreuth),
- Ph. Griffiths (Princeton),
- S. Igonin (Moscow),
- V. Kac (Boston),
- M. Kazarian (Moscow),
- A. Onishchik (Yaroslavl-Moscow),
- Ziv Ran (Riverside),
Counting rational curves with given
normal bundle in Pn (cf. math.AG/0210209).
In this work we construct global parameter spaces for subschemes contained in the fibres of a family of nodal curves and apply them to Enumerative Geometry, in particular to (relative) multiple point formulas.
- A. Sossinski (Moscow),
- Andrei Agrachev (SISSA, Trieste -
Steklov Institute, Moscow).
A Variational Approach to Differential Invariants (jointly with I. Zelenko).
Given a smooth manifold M, let V be a submanifold of the tangent bundle TM
such that the projection of V to M is a submersion. To V is associated the space
V of admissible curves, i.e. the curves : [0,t] M whose velocities belong to
V . The boundary mapping : V M×M sends a curve to its endpoints. is
a smooth mapping; critical points of are V -geodesics. Special cases of
V -geodesics are (pseudo-)Riemannian geodesics (if V is the spherical
bundle of a (pseudo-)Riemannian structure), singular curves of vector
distributions (if V is a vector subbundle of TM), sub-Riemannian geodesics
Lagrange multipliers associated to all V -geodesics form a Lagrangian relation
in the symplectic manifold T*M. Let : [0,t] M be a V -geodesic and
T *q(0)M be a correspondent Lagrange multiplier. An infinitesimal version
of the above Lagrangian relation is a Lagrangian subspace of the symplectic
space T(T*M). We associate to a one-parametric family of Lagrangian
subspaces (i.e. a curve in the Lagrange Grassmannian) using the fact that any
segment of the V -geodesic is again a V -geodesic.
Then differential geometry of curves in the Lagrange Grassmannian provides
basic differential invariants of V . The first coming ubiquitous invariants are the
generalized Ricci curvature for parametrized curves and the degree 4
fundamental form for unparametrized ones. Among the realizations of the
fundamental form are the constructed by E. Cartan invariant of rank 2
distributions in 5 and a contraction of the Weyl tensor from conformal
- Patrick Smart Awe (Bakau).
- Raouf Chouikha (Paris)
Remark on a conjecture of conformal transformations of Riemannian manifolds
We are interested in Riemannian manifolds with constant scalar curvature admitting an infinitesimal non isometric conformal transformation. Ejiri [E] gave a negative answer to a conjecture in giving example of such manifolds but non isometric to the standard sphere. We propose to improve his study.
- Ostap M. Davydov (Chelyabinsk).
- Alberto De Sole (Cambridge, USA)
Vertex algebras generated by primary fields of conformal weights 1 and 3/2.
Vertex algebras (VA) give a rigorous mathematical definition of the chiral part of a 2-dimensional quantum field theory.
It is an interesting problem, both from a mathematical and a physical
point of view, to classify VA's which are generated by a Virasoro element
L, a space g of even primary fields of conformal weight 1 (currents)
and a space U of odd primary fields of conformal weight 3/2.
I discuss a way to approach this problem and describe the solution in
the case g is a simple Lie algebra and U an irreducible g-module.
I will also show how, under certain assumption on the values of the
Kac-Moody levels, one can prove transitivity of the group action on the
sphere. This generalizes a similar result of Kac for the case of Lie
conformal algebras.
- Miroslav Doupovec (Brno).
On the underlying bundle functors.
For every bundle functor we introduce the concept of subordinated
functor. Then we study subordinated functors for fiber preserving
functors defined on the category of fibered manifolds with
m-dimensional bases and fibered manifold morphisms with local
diffeomorphisms as base maps. We also introduce the concept of the
underlying functor and we show that there is an affine structure on
fiber product preserving functors.
- Fedor Duzhin (Stockholm).
Lower bounds for the number of closed billiard trajectories of period 2
and 3 in manifolds embedded in Euclidean space.
Let us have a convex domain in Euclidean plane. A billiard ball is a
point that moves inside this domain along straight lines and rebounds from the
boundary making an angle of incidence equal an angle of reflection.
George Birkhoff considered the following question: How to estimate the number
of closed billiard trajectories with a given number of rebounds?
I deal with the generalization of Birkhoff's problem. I have found
such esimates for the case of periods 2 and 3, a boundary is a manifold
embedded in Euclidean space of arbitrary dimension. A definition of a generalized
billiard trajectory is given.
- Evgueni V. Ferapontov (Leics)
Projective differential geometry of higher reductions of the two-dimensional Dirac operator. (Joint work with L. Bogdanov).
It is demonstrated that higher reductions of the Dirac operator are closely related to projective-geometric aspects of line congruences in projective space.
- Roberto Ferreiro Pérez (CSIC,
Equivariant characteristic classes in the bundle of connections and
Gauge theories.
Let P be a principal G-bundle over a n-manifold M, and C(P) its
bundle of principal connections. For every Weil polynomial for G, f,
of degree d, we have a canonically defined closed 2d-form in C(P).
If 2d<=n it is well know that this form determines the usual
characteristic class in M associated to f.
If n<2d, we will associate to this form a (2d-n)-differential form
in the space of connections in P, A.
We will show that the equivariant cohomology classes determine
equivariant extensions of this forms.
As an application, we obtain canonical cohomology classes in the
space A/Gau(P) of connections modulo Gauge transformations, and it is
shown that they coincide with some classes previously defined by
Atiyah and Singer.
Finally we apply our results to the bundle of Riemannian metrics,
and we show that, in the general case, the relevant cohomology is the
equivariant cohomology of the corresponding variational bicomplex.
- Anthony Kwasi Frempong (Cape Coast) - to be confirmed.
- Giuseppe Gaeta (Milan).
- Stephen Huggett (Plymouth).
- Josef Janyska (Brno).
Reduction theorems for general linear connections.
It is well known that natural operators of linear symmetric connections
on manifolds and of classical tensor fields can be factorized through
the curvature tensors, the tensor
fields and their covariant differentials. We generalize this result for
general linear connections on vector bundles. In this gauge-natural
situation we need an auxiliary linear symmetric connection on the base
manifold. We prove that natural operators defined
on the spaces of general linear connections on vector bundles, on the
spaces of linear symmetric connections on base manifolds and on certain
tensor bundles can be factorized through the curvature tensors of
linear and classical connections, the tensor fields and their covariant
differentials with respect to both connections.
- Elham Izadi (Athens)
Curves in abelian varieties.
We will discuss deformation theory techniques for producing
curves in principally polarized abelian varieties which are not jacobians.
These techniques point to the possibility of producing curves of class
(2g-6 choose g-3) times the minimal class in general principally polarized
abelian varieties of dimension g. Up to now, the only class which is known
to be representable by an algebraic curve in general principally polarized
abelian varieties of arbitrary dimension g is (g-1)! times the minimal
class: the class of a complete intersection of g-1 copies of the theta
- Roman Kadobianski (Kiev)
Locally conformal symplectic structures and their
generalizations from the point of view of Lie algebroids (joint work with
Jan Kubarski).
- Valentina Kiritchenko (Toronto)
A Gauss-Bonnet theorem for constructible sheaves on reductive groups.
We prove an analog of the Gauss-Bonnet formula for constructible sheaves on
arbitrary reductive groups. This formula holds for all constructible sheaves
equivariant under the adjoint action and expresses the Euler characteristic
of a sheaf in terms of its characteristic cycle. As a corollary from this
formula we get that if a perverse sheaf on a reductive group is
equivariant under the adjoint action, then its Euler characteristic
is nonnegative.
- Arthemy Kiselev (Moscow).
On the conservation laws for the Toda equations, associated with
the semisimple Lie algebras.
An exposition of the cohomological properties of the
two-dimensional Toda equations, associated with the semisimple Lie
algebras, will be given.
Starting from the exhaustive description of the Noether symmetries
conservation laws for the Toda equations, we build the continuum of the
recursion operators, either local or nonlocal in total derivatives, for
their symmetry algebras. The nonlocal terms of these recursions provide
an abelian Noether symmetries subalgebra, which we regard as the
of the Drinfel'd-Sokolov equations, i.e., the potential modified KdV
equation analogs associated with the initial Lie algebra. The
evolution of
the traceless energy-momentum tensor for the Toda fields is then
by the KdV hierarchy related to the mKdV equations by the Miura
transformations. Also, we reveal several properties of the
structures for these equations, and, in particular, show that the
potential KdV equations act as densities of the Hamiltonians for the
potential modified and the modified KdV hierarchies.
- Jan Kubarski (Lodz) Locally conformal symplectic
structures and their generalizations from the point of view of Lie algebroids
(joint work with R. Kadobianski).
We study locally conformal symplectic structure and their
generalizations from the point of view of transitive Lie algebroids.
To consider l.c.s. structures and their generalizations we use Lie
algebroids with trivial adjoint Lie algebra bundle
MxR and Mxg. We observe that important l.c.s's notions can be
translated on the Lie algebroid's language.
We generalize l.c.s. structures to g-l.c.s. structures in which we
can consider an arbitrary finite dimensional Lie algebra
g instead of the commutative Lie algebra R.
For PS-file of the full text see here.
- Olga V. Kunakovskaya (Voronezh)
- Participation cancelled - Title and abstract are reported here as a
"web poster".
Global and local indices of isolated sets of
singularities of sections of vector bundles over smooth manifolds with
boundary .
For sections and for pairs of sections of vector
bundles over smooth manifolds with boundary global and local indices of
isolated sets of singularities are introduced. These indices are
generalisations of Poincare - Kroneker index (rotation number) and
Arnold boundary index. Constructions of the indices admit transfer to
the infinite-dimensional setting. Applications to the problem of
solvability of non-linear equations are obtained.
- Jan Kurek (Maria Curie Sklodowska
Canonical affinors on the tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold
(jointly with W.M. Mikulski).
We describe all canonical tensor fields of type (1,1) (affinors) on the
tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold.
- Vitaly Kushnirevitch (Kiev).
- Park Kwang-Soon (ICTP, Trieste).
- Norman Levin (Gainesville).
- Rémi Léandre (Nancy)
Connes-Hida Calculus and the index theorem.
Atiyah has given a path integral representation of the Index of the Dirac operator, which was intensively extended by Bismut. This is an integral of forms over the loop space. We give a meaning to this integral by doing a current theory on the loop space, which uses a mixture between the traditional tools of Hida Calculus and the tools of non-commutative differential geometry.
- Giovanni Manno (Naples).
- Wlodzimierz M. Mikulski
Canonical affinors on the tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold
(jointly with J. Kurek).
- Richard Millman (Arlington).
- Robert Moussu (Dijon).
- Arkadi Onishchik (Yaroslavl).
- Oleg Olkhov (Moscow).
- Marcella Palese (Torino).
Variational symmetries, superpotentials and generalized Jacobi
The relation between generalized Jacobi morphisms and generalized
Bianchi identities for field theories is analyzed. Applications to the
description of variational symmetries and superpotentials for
Lagrangian field theories are given.
- Fabrizio Pugliese (Salerno).
- Yuli Rudyak (Gainesville)
Affine linking invariants and wave fronts. (joint work with Chernov)
The talk is based on our papers (see xxx archive):
1. Affine Linking Numbers and Causality Relations for Wave Fronts,
2. Affine Winding Numbers and Front Propagation, math.GT/0301117.
3. Toward the General Theory of Affine Linking Numbers, math.GT/0302295
and some new unpublished results.
- Ernst Ruh (Fribourg).
Barycenter in Geometry and Maximum Likelyhood Estimator in
Relation of the barycenter for probability measures on the boundary of
noncompact symmetric spaces with the maximum likely hood estimator in
statistics. Existence and uniqueness conditions for the barycenter.
Construction of certain families of probability distributions
generalizing Cauchy distributions via the theory of non-compact
symmetric spaces.
- Edward Tetteh Kwabena (Cape Coast) - to be confirmed.
- Vladlen Timorin (Toronto)
Circles, Quadratic Maps Between Spheres and Representations of Clifford Algebras.
Consider an analytic map from a neighborhood of 0 in a vector space to
a Euclidean space. Suppose that this map takes all germs
of vector lines at 0 to germs of circles. Such map is called rounding.
Two roundings are equivalent if they take the same lines to the same
circles. It turns out that any rounding whose differential at 0 has rank
at least 2 is equivalent to a fractional quadratic rounding. The latter
gives rise to a quadratic map between spheres. We give some
interesting applications of this result including
- a description of rectifiable bundles of circles in dimension 4 which
is surprisingly different from the corresponding results in dimensions
2 (Khovanskii) and 3 (Izadi) due to quaternions,
- a classification of all Kahler metrics in complex dimension 2 whose real
geodesics are circles.
- a geometric description of Clifford algebras representations as
nonlinear projections taking lines to circles.
- Valentino Tosatti (SNS, Pisa).
- Murat Tosun (Sakarya).
Generalized Time-Like Ruled Surface of the Minkowski Space.
We introduce Edge ruled surface of the generalized time like ruled
surface in Minkowski space R1n. Moreover, some
theorems related with Edge ruled surface are given.
- Ljubica Velimirovic (Nish).
Infinitesimal Deformations in the Non-symmetric Affine Connection
Space (jointly with Svetislav Mincic, Mica Stankovic).
We consider infinitesimal deformations of some geometric magnitudes in
a space LN of non-symmetric affine connection. We use four
kinds of covariant derivatives to express deformations.
- Miodrag Velimirovic (Nish).
An Application of Geometry at Gear Design.
In this work we consider an application of geometry in the case of the
construction of the gears. Programe packages Mathematica and
SolidWorks are used. The result is implemented at programe package
- Ekkehart Winterroth (Torino).
- Igor Zelenko (SISSA/ISAS, Trieste).
A Variational Approach to Differential Invariants (jointly with
A. Agrachev).
- Yuri Zelinsky (Kiev).
Questions and suggestions should go to
curgeo @