Current Geometry

International Conference on problems and trends of contemporary geometry

Palazzo Serra di Cassano, Naples, 11 - 14 September 2000

Under the auspices of

we are announcing Current Geometry, the first international conference on problems and trends of contemporary geometry.


  1. Reasons
  2. Scientific Committee
  3. Organising Committee
  4. List of Speakers and Abstracts
  5. List of Participants
  6. Conference site, Tourist Information and Accommodation
  7. Our address

Scientific Committee

E. Arbarello (Pisa), F. Baldassarri (Padova), U. Bruzzo (Trieste), C. Ciliberto (Roma), A. Collino (Torino), M. Cornalba (Pavia), C. De Concini (Roma), B. Dubrovin (Trieste), L. van Geemen (Pavia), P. Griffiths (Princeton), V. Kac (Boston), K. O'Grady (Roma), C. Procesi (Roma), E. Sernesi (Roma), J. Stasheff (Chapel Hill), A. M. Vinogradov (Salerno).

Organising Committee

A. De Paris (Napoli), G. Rotondaro (Napoli), G. Sparano (Salerno), A. M. Vinogradov, (Salerno), R. Vitolo (Lecce).


Interested people can contact the Organising Committee at the following address:

Prof. A. M. Vinogradov, Universita' degli Studi di Salerno, Facolta' di Scienze, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Via Salvatore Allende, 84081 Baronissi (Salerno).

You can also reach us via