
How to reach S. Stefano del Sole.

It is convenient to reach S. Stefano del Sole by bus. Firstly you need to reach Avellino (Piazza Kennedy), from there you have to take a bus to S. Stefano del Sole, and get off at the center of S. Stefano del Sole. The address of the school is: via Casa Nigro, 13, Edificio scolastico M. Pisacreta (M. Pisacreta school), S. Stefano del Sole.

Here's the timetables

Roma Tiburtina - Avellino (Piazza Kennedy). It takes about 3 hours.
Marozzi Bus: 14.40; 16.00 (see www.calaggio.it/orari.htm).
A.I.R. Bus: 16.00; 20.30; 21.00 (see www.air-spa.it/AV-RM.htm).

Avellino (Piazza Kennedy) - Roma Tiburtina.
Marozzi Bus: 6.30; 7.20 (see digilander.libero.it/etniko/torre_le_nocelle/bus.htm).
A.I.R. Bus: 6.30; 14.00; 17.00 (see www.air-spa.it/AV-RM.htm).

Roma Tiburtina - Avellino Ovest.
Marozzi Bus: 10.00 (bus to Otranto); 15.30 (bus to Otranto); 15.30 (bus to Ginosa) (see digilander.libero.it/etniko/torre_le_nocelle/bus.htm).

Napoli Piazza Garibaldi (central station) - Avellino (Piazza Kennedy)
There is a bus each 20-30 minutes. It takes about 1 hour. For details schedule see digilander.libero.it/etniko/torre_le_nocelle/bus.htm.

Avellino (Piazza Kennedy) - Napoli Piazza Garibaldi (central station)
There is a bus each 20-30 minutes. For details schedule see digilander.libero.it/etniko/torre_le_nocelle/bus.htm.

Avellino (Piazza Kennedy) - S. Stefano del Sole (center). It takes about a half of hour.
5.55; 7.50; 10.10; 11.10; 12.10; 13.10; 13.50; 14.30; 16.00; 17.30; 18.30; 20.00 (see www.air-spa.it/daAV.htm).

S. Stefano del Sole - Avellino (Piazza Kennedy)
6.30; 7.20; 8.15; 9.25; 11.20; 12.20; 13.20; 15.20; 17.10; 18.40. (see www.air-spa.it/perAV.htm).

Attention: there no buses to/from S. Stefano on Sundays.