Authors: A. M. Vinogradov and L. Vitagliano
This note is the first in a series of short communications dedicated to general
theory and some applications of iterated differential forms. Both are developed
either in the "classical" context, or in the
"quantistic" one, i.e., of Secondary Calculus. Detailed expositions containing proofs of the
announced results will be appearing in due course.
With iterated forms
we solve the problem of a conceptual foundation of tensor calculus. In
particular, we show that covariant tensors are differential forms over a
certain graded commutative algebra called the algebra of iterated differential
forms. From one side, this interpretation extends noteworthy frames of the
traditional tensor calculus and enriches it by numerous new natural operators.
On the other side, it allows various generalizations of tensor calculus, the
most important of which is that to secondary ("quantized") calculus. In particular, this leads to an unified
solution of the secondarization ("quantization") problem for
arbitrary tensors.
In this communication the algebra of iterated
(differential) forms over an arbitrary (graded) commutative algebra is defined.
It is also shown how tensors on a (smooth) manifold $M$ are naturally
interpreted as iterated differential forms over the algebra C¥(M).
See also arXiv: math.DG/0605113.
9 pages, LaTeX-2e.
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