R. Vitolo
Department of Mathematics
Via per Arnesano
73100 Lecce, Italy
Work in progress
The study of the geometry of C-spectral sequence and its applications
to physics: local variational differential operators in field theories,
quantization of mechanics and field theories.
Preprints and publications
G. Giachetta, M. Mangiarotti, R. Vitolo: The Einstein-Yang-Mills
equations, J. Gen. Rel. Grav. 23, n. 1 (1991).
R. Vitolo: Spherical symmetry in classical and quantum Galilei general
relativity, Ann. Inst. 'H. Poinc.', 64, n. 2 (1996).
R. Vitolo: Some aspects of first-order variational sequences in
mechanics, Proc. of the VI Conf. in Diff. Geom. and its Appl., Brno 1995;
EMS server.
M. Modugno, R. Vitolo: Quantum Connection and Poincare'-Cartan form,
Proc. of the conference in honour of A. Lichnerowicz, Frascati, october
1995; ed. G. Ferrarese, Pitagora, Bologna 1996.
R. Vitolo: Quantum structures in general relativistic theories,
Proc. of the XII National. Conf. of Gen. Rel. and Grav. Phys.,
Roma (1996), World Scientific.
R. Vitolo: Quantum structures in Galilei general relativity,
Ann. Inst. 'H. Poinc.', 70, n. 3 (1999).
R. Vitolo: Quantum structures in Einstein general relativity,
Lett. Math. Phys.
R. Vitolo: Finite order variational bicomplexes,
Math. Proc. of the Camb. Phil. Soc., 125, n. 2 (1999) 321-333;
see also math-ph/0001009
R. Vitolo: On different geometric formulations of Lagrangian
formalism, Diff. Geom. and its Appl., 10, n. 3 (1999).
I. Kolar, R. Vitolo: On the Helmholtz operator for Euler morphism,
submitted to Ann. di Mat. Pura ed Appl.
R. Vitolo: A new infinite order formulation of variational sequences,
Arch. Math. Un. Brunensis, 34, n. 4 (1998), 483-504;
EMS server.
M. Francaviglia, M. Palese, R. Vitolo: Symmetries and conservation
laws in variational sequences, to appear in Czech.
Math. J..
M. Francaviglia, M. Palese, R. Vitolo: Superpotentials in variational
sequences, Proc. of the VII Conf. on Diff. Geom and Appl., Brno
R. Vitolo: Quantising the rigid body, Proc. of the VII Conf. on Diff.
Geom and Appl., Brno 1998.
R. Vitolo: The finite order Vinogradov C-spectral sequence, preprint
M. Modugno, C. Tejero, R. Vitolo: A covariant approach to the quantisation
of a rigid body, preprint 1999.
D. Saller, R. Vitolo: Symmetries in covariant classical mechanics,
J. Math. Phys. 41, n. 10, October 2000.
M. Modugno, C. Tejero, R. Vitolo: Comparison between Geometric
Quantisation and Covariant Quantum Mechanics, Proceedings of Lie
Theory and Its Applications in Physics III (World Scientific, 2000),
edited by H.-D. Doebner, V.K. Dobrev and J. Hilgert.
M. Palese, R. Vitolo: On a class of polynomial Lagrangians,
to appear in Proc. of the winter school 'Geometry and Physics',
Srni (Czech Rep) 2000 (to be published in Rend. Mat. Palermo).
S. Igonin, A. Verbovetsky, R. Vitolo: On the
formalism of local variational differential operators,
preprint, 2000.